About Yellobric

Yellobric was set up in 2011 to enable sustainable, long-term economic growth through education in the developing world.
They enrich the lives of thousands of school children in sub-Saharan Africa, many of whom have never had the educational materials to achieve literacy. Leveraging modern technology, they deliver educational texts in a low-cost and sustainable manner to where they are needed most.

Putting a library of eBooks in the hands of developing world children for under £100.

Yellobric is currently focusing on the wide scale distribution of eLiterature as a low cost and effective way of providing developing world children with thousands of eBooks and other educational tools. These are deployed through partner charities with existing operations in schools and communities across the developing world. Yellobric has nine schemes in operation across sub-Saharan Africa. In total 49 devices have been deployed, each with a library of between 400 and 1,600 eBooks. In their first year Yellobric were able to deliver eBooks at around 40p per eBook. For more information: http://www.yellobric.com

Videos: https://vimeo.com/user14252292

Yellobric ltd

128 Buckingham Palace Road
